Feeling Low?  Exercise and Boost Your Mental Health

Feeling Low? Exercise and Boost Your Mental He...

I think we all know that exercise isn’t just about muscle, looking good in front of the mirror or wearing that shirt just the right way.  It’s a mindset, a...

Feeling Low? Exercise and Boost Your Mental He...

I think we all know that exercise isn’t just about muscle, looking good in front of the mirror or wearing that shirt just the right way.  It’s a mindset, a...

Three Ways to Get Motivated and Change your life

Three Ways to Get Motivated and Change your life

We all go through those phases when we don’t train. Maybe we are faced with injury –knee, shoulder, back, Achilles, groin.  Maybe it’s a grade 2, just enough to keep...

Three Ways to Get Motivated and Change your life

We all go through those phases when we don’t train. Maybe we are faced with injury –knee, shoulder, back, Achilles, groin.  Maybe it’s a grade 2, just enough to keep...

Do These 5 Things and Live

Do These 5 Things and Live

Weight loss can sometimes feel like a tightly kept secret held by few and for those that can attain it, a temporary victory won by pain and denial. Losing weight...

Do These 5 Things and Live

Weight loss can sometimes feel like a tightly kept secret held by few and for those that can attain it, a temporary victory won by pain and denial. Losing weight...

Zen and the Art of Getting Fit

Zen and the Art of Getting Fit

Zen and the Art of Getting Fit  Much has been said about mindfulness and exercise, but little has been said about the link between mindfulness and the battle we old...


Zen and the Art of Getting Fit

Zen and the Art of Getting Fit  Much has been said about mindfulness and exercise, but little has been said about the link between mindfulness and the battle we old...

COVID Motivation - Why are you training?

COVID Motivation - Why are you training?

Why Are You Training? We are living in difficult times and we need to be clear about why we are training and what we are trying to accomplish. It is...

COVID Motivation - Why are you training?

Why Are You Training? We are living in difficult times and we need to be clear about why we are training and what we are trying to accomplish. It is...